Want to learn to plant the right apple tree is the steps

Mature apples are generally red, although some are ripe in green, or yellowish green. Red apple is one of the most popular types of apples because the red color is appetizing. But green apples are not less famous, it's still sweet but usually more crunchy and sometimes sour. All have their respective advantages. Apples are fresh fruits ready for consumption that are rich in vitamins. Apple can be planted by cuttings or grafts by using the seeds. But in this article, will be given ways to plant apples by using seeds. You can learn how to do it below: 1. Winter Simulation for Making Germinated Seeds Choose superior seeds or with the best quality, in order to produce a prime apple tree. Next put the seeds dry. Can you put on paper or cloth to the outer skin of the seeds to be dry and not moist. After that, wrap the seeds using a wet wipes and put it into a tightly sealed container. Can be wrapped in a plastic bag, inserted in a jar that has a cover, or on a tupperware container. Then put your seed into the refrigerator or refrigerator with a temperature of 10 degrees C. Place the seeds in the refrigerator for 8 weeks. In this process, the seeds will release the shoots. After 8 weeks, your seeds should have seeded seeds. Remove from the refrigerator and the seeds are ready to be removed on the soil medium. Examples of apple seeds that have been removed from the refrigerator. The sprouts are already present and ready to be planted. 2. Moving the Growing Seed into Pot First, prepare a small pot container. Then fill with soil with neutral pH. No need to add the soil with a mixture of fertilizer for the initial planting. Make the basin 2 or 3 times larger than the seed size. Place the seeds on the ground basins carefully, then cover them with soil. Pat the ground gently. Then, water with water to keep the soil moist. Place at room temperature and provide direct sun exposure. Small apple trees that can be moved on permanent land. 3. Moving Small Apple Tree on Land Land What must be considered is, when the seeds that you have planted in small pots have grown, do not immediately move them on the ground because basically, the stems, roots, and leaves are still vulnerable to death. So you have to wait until the plant is 25cm tall. After that, you can follow the following: Plant on moist land with a neutral pH. Give land that can be exposed to direct sunlight. If possible, plant it facing east. Make sure to give a wide space to grow the roots later. So if you plant some trees, then split the distance between the young trees with each other about 4.5 or 5 meters. Flush your small tree 10 to 12 days. But when it grows large, can be reduced penyiramannya.Intinya, apple trees can not grow on dry soil, not too wet soil. Sirami by keeping the soil moist. Those are the steps to plant apple trees for those of you who don't understand about apple tree cultivation.
